miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Fastruby 0.0.9 released with support for proc

Fastruby is a gem which allows to execute ruby code much faster than normal, currently in a state of transition between a spike and a usable gem, it is released when possible with incremental improvements.
Following the release of version v0.0.8 which did implement several internal improvements including a new non-linear stack structure, the new release v0.0.9 implements the support for procedure objects based in the previous implementation


You can clone the repository at github:
git clone git://github.com/tario/fastruby.git
git checkout v0.0.9
Or install it using gem install:
gem install fastruby

New Features

Examples of code being supported

return method from proc

require "fastruby"

fastruby '
class X
def foo
pr = Proc.new do
return "return foo from inside proc"


return "return foo"

x = X.new
x.foo # this returns "return foo from inside proc"

The behavior of Proc objects (those created using Proc.new) are very similar to the behavior of lambdas, but with a few little differences:
  • It is possible to do non-local return's from Proc.new of the method where the block was defined, this non-local return will fail with LocalJumpError when the method scope is closed in the moment of invoking the return (in lambdas, return only acts as next; ie, only ends the lambda function)
  • Break jumps are illegal from Proc.new blocks and always fails with LocalJumpError (in lambdas, break acts as next)

As additional note, block objects created using proc method are exact the same block objects created using lambda method, only check the the ruby 1.8 source code to see something like that:

rb_define_global_function("proc", proc_lambda, 0);
rb_define_global_function("lambda", proc_lambda, 0);

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