martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Callcc puzzle on fastruby II: The return of C++

In a previous post, I have explained the problem of implementing callcc while keeping the performance on fastruby; and then the focus was changed to a simpler issue: lambdas.

The approaching to the lambda issue allow us to recognize the non-linear nature of the ruby stack: while the native stack grows allocating space for local variables and decreases deallocating that space, the non-linear stack of ruby allows keeping isolated local variables scopes associated to lambda blocks (while previous scopes in the stack are deallocated) and even allows retain all the scopes of a stack for continuation objects created with callcc

The solution for lambda case is as simple as changing the place where the local variable scope lives: heap instead of stack.

Making use of dynamic memory is not a game, and if misused it may be hurt or even kill (the ruby process, after a relatively slow death with cancer)

Release of allocated memory and C++

Each allocation must have their corresponding de-allocation. It's that simple. But not so simple when programming in C, because [...]
RAII provided by C++ make more easier to code scopes of resources initialization and finalization (dynamic memory, in this case), by using the destructor of clases to release the resources. this covers function returns and C++ exceptions. It does not cover longjmp (this will be analyzed later on this post). See the wikipedia article about RAII for more info and code examples

Reference Counting

Immediately after creating a lambda object, the local variable scope is referenced twice: one reference from the lambda object itself, and the other reference from the scope living in the stack (imagine that many lambdas created in the same scope adds more references to the count). In this situation, when the execution leaves the scope of the function, it de-allocate the local variables struct, the only thing it should do is to decrement the reference count of the local variables by one unit, and the release should only occur when this count reach zero. This algorithm is called Reference Counting.

Longjmp and C++ Raii

Using of C function setjmp/longjmp for non-local GoTO's are incompatible with C++ RAII since RAII depends on the destructors of objects instantiated on the stack are called. For example, a longjmp crossing a scope allocating recurses will prevent the release of these resources.
Apparently, the solution to this issue is to replace the current use of setjmp/longjmp with c++ exceptions (the same risk is present when using setjmp/longjmp), but after a spike I realized this might not be a good idea:

test.c using longjmp and setjmp
#include "setjmp.h"

jmp_buf jmp;

void function2() {
void function1() {
int main() {
int i;
for (i=0;i<200000000;i++) {
return 0;

It took 2.241 seconds

test.cpp using try/catch and throw
#include "exception"

void function2() {
throw std::exception();
void function1() {
try {
} catch (std::exception) {
int main() {
int i;
for (i=0;i<200000000;i++) {
return 0;

It was never finished even after hours


C++ exceptions will always be slower than setjmp/longjmp because C++ exceptions use non-local goto's as part of their implementation and other complexities. I must look for another workaround for the longjmp detail


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