domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011

Fastruby 0.0.14 released with support for method replacement

Fastruby is a gem which allows to execute ruby code much faster than normal, currently in a state of transition between a spike and a usable gem, it is released when possible with incremental improvements.
The v0.0.14 release make a internal redesign of the method hash structure to allow the store of function pointer pointers, this is what allows to reference a fixed function pointer which may change enabling method replacement while retaining most of the performance (fastruby calls now consume a extra indirection and a few extra checks)


You can clone the repository at github:
git clone git://
git checkout v0.0.14
Or install it using gem install:
gem install fastruby

New Features

Examples of code being supported

Replacement of methods

require "fastruby"

fastruby '
class X
def foo(a)

x =
p # 5

fastruby '
class X
def foo(a)

p # 8

Remaining uncovered items on v0.0.14 release
  • Memory handling of function pointers on method hash (will be fixed for v0.0.15)
  • Fix limitation of 15 arguments when calling method defined on fastruby from normal ruby
  • Fix duplication of objects on cache when methods are replaced
  • Optimization of splat callls, currently this calls are executing using normal rb_funcall2 (will be improved for v0.2.0)
  • Optimization of calls to methods with variable number of arguments, currently are wrapped using rb_funcall (will be improved for v0.2.0)

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

Fastruby 0.0.13 released with support for splat arguments and method with array arguments

Fastruby is a gem which allows to execute ruby code much faster than normal, currently in a state of transition between a spike and a usable gem, it is released when possible with incremental improvements.
The v0.0.13 release of fastruby make a little internal design improvement regarding translator class and the implementation of splat arguments and methods with optional arguments (see examples below)


You can clone the repository at github:
git clone git://
git checkout v0.0.13
Or install it using gem install:
gem install fastruby

New Features

Examples of code being supported

Multiple arguments and call with splat

require "fastruby"

fastruby '
class X
def foo(*array)
array.each do |x|
p x

def bar(*args)

x =,2,3) # prints 1,2 and 3,5,6) # prints 4,5 and 6

Remaining uncovered items on v0.0.13 release

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Fastruby 0.0.11 released with support for retry, redo and foreach

Fastruby is a gem which allows to execute ruby code much faster than normal, currently in a state of transition between a spike and a usable gem, it is released when possible with incremental improvements.
The v0.0.11 release of fastruby make internal improvements regarding non-local jumps and implements foreach support, including retry and redo statements (both applicable to any kind of block, and retry applicable on rescue clause)


You can clone the repository at github:
git clone git://
git checkout v0.0.11
Or install it using gem install:
gem install fastruby

New Features

Examples of code being supported

For each with redo and retry

require "fastruby"

fastruby '
class X
def foo
sum = 0

for i in (4..8)
p i # 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8
sum = sum + i
redo if sum < 20
retry if sum < 100 and i == 7


x = # 46